Articles on: Frequently Asked Question

How to cancel/quit/terminate our apps' subscription?

Articles on: Welcome to One Commerce

A subscription gets cancelling once you uninstall the app through Shopify, or freezing once you closed down your e-store manually.  Our support team can NOT cancel the app for you as mentioned in Support Policy

To uninstall/remove an app from your Shopify store, please follow these below steps:

Going through your Shopify admin > Settings > Apps and Sale channels

Locate the app you want to uninstall.

Click the Remove button.


Shopify will still charge the current 30 days billing cycle if the charge is already started, even you've already uninstalled the app.

If you want to pause your store for sometimes, please help to uninstall our app as well, in order to avoid AUTO-charging when your store moves to Pause and Build plan.

Refer to this Shopify article about how to pause, or close your store.

If you change your mind later on, or ready to re-publish your store (after uninstalling), you can always re-subscribe to our apps at any time. Just install the app, and all your data will be synced back.

NOTE: We will wipe your data after uninstalling for 3 months for Paid plan users, and after 45 days for Free plan users. This will perform automatically, so make sure to re-install the app before that time.


With a Paid plan, will I be charged again when doing uninstall, and re-install an app?

What will happen when you uninstall and re-install Transcy?

If you need some more helps, please let us know via our live chat or email us at

Updated on: 02/01/2025

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