Articles on: Manage Translation

How can I mark as Translated status for content in app

There're some elements with Outdated or Untranslated status and you want to change those statuses into "Translated" without updating their own translation. In this article, we would like to guide you how to use this function in details.


To use this function, please go Manage translation => Select the needed resource => Search content you want to mark as translated => Click on 3 dots icon => "Mark as translated"

There're 2 situations you can mark element as "Translated"

1. The element with "Outdated" status

In case you have changed or edited default content for the related elements, its status will show "Outdated" and you need to update new translation. However, you do not want to update/edit its translation for those elements, please press the button "Mark as translated" to change its status from "Outdated" to "Translated"

2. The element with "Untranslated" status for specific content synced from other translation app or Theme

You have existing translation from other translation app or the translation and it's saved on Theme, their content will be automatically synced to our app with "Untranslated" status, so to change its status, please press the button "Mark as translated" to change its status from "Untranslated" to "Translated"

- You need to have existing translation to use "Mark as translated" function. In case there's no translation, you cannot use this function
- Because of technical limit, you're unable to mark as translated in bulk, you just do it one by one


Understand translation statuses in app

Should you need further support, please feel free to contact us via live chat or email us at

Updated on: 11/07/2024

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