Articles on: Manage Translation

How to translate content from third-party apps with Third-party app function

To cover the content from 3rd-party apps that has not been translated and edited manually by Transcy, the app will automatically translate those parts with "Auto dynamic translation" called Third-party app function and applicable for Non-editable and Editable language type.


How to enable Third-party app function
Advantages and disadvantages of the Third-party app function

How to enable Third-party app function

From Localization menu >> tap Language >> click on a specific target language on the list >> click on three dots "..." to enable the function "Third-party app" function to translate or Disable to prevent 3rd-party app's elements from translating by this function.

Third-party app translation function use the same AI technique with Non-editable language type so you just select this function for your Editable language type if needed. In case you want to manage the translation of Editable language personally, you can go ahead to manage it in Manage translation menu.

Disabling Third-party app translations only works on Editable language so consider switching from Non-editable language type to Editable to disable this function.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Third-party app function

1. Advantages

When you enable Third-party app function, contents from front-end 3rd-party apps such as widgets, review box, offer box, notification bar, etc will be automatically translated on your store.


Please take a look at below for more benefits that this function brings out as well as which apps supported to translate:

You could easily translate all contents on the review box of Review apps (not using iframe) such as, etc. We're still working on to get integration with more Review apps so stay tuned.

Help you translate all contents on Page Builder apps such as EComposer quickly.

Easily translate all contents which are built on store by OneMobile.

Also support to translate marketing front-end apps such as Free Shipping Bar, Quick Announcement Bar, Free gift such as BOGOS smoothly.

2. Disadvantages

Please note that not all 3rd-party apps can be auto translated by this function due to technical and integration limit.


- Please be advised that our app will automatically detect what content is from third party and translate it properly. However, because of the theme limit as the content from the third party, it does not allow our app to edit the translation from third-party apps not integrated yet so you might not find its contents in our app to edit the translation. Sorry for this inconvenience.

- However our Developer team is working on it to research and contact more 3rd-party apps such as Page builder, Quick Announcement Bar to get fully integration so we can collect their contents to our Edit function as soon as possible then will keep you posted. Please stay tuned.


What is the Third-party app resource in Transcy?

Transcy integrate with OneMobile

Transcy integrate with BOGOS - Free gift & Buy X Get Y

Transcy integrate with EComposer Landing Page Builder app

Should you need further support, please feel free to contact us via live chat in-app or email us at

Updated on: 14/06/2024

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