What is Translation Expert Services?
What is Translation Expert Services?FeaturedWhat languages can Transcy Experts translate?
Currently we are providing human translate service for 5 language pairs as following:
English - French or French - English
English - German or German - English
English - Vietnamese or Vietnamese - English
English - Japanese or Japanese - English
English - Chinese or Chinese - English
For language pairs that are not offered in the service at the moment, please kindly contact our Support via in-app live chat or email support@transcy.io
for fuFew readersWhat is standard process of Human Translate Service after I paid the fee?
After paying for the service fee, you will go through the standard process as following:
A Customer Support (CS) agent will be assigned to support you throughout the process after you create a ticket.
Analyze request stage: Your translation request will be analyzed by our Translate Experts to understand the tone of voice, business industry, and specific goals of your ticket. This is important for the translation team to determine the best approach and terminology to use for thFew readersWhat you can do and should not do when our Experts are translating your pages?
The translation process will normally take around 3-7 business days to be completed depending on the length and complication of your content. During this time, you can run your business as usual without any problem.
However, we recommend you to not make change to your content while we are translating since the translated content may not match with the new change. If you want to change the content of a page while we are translating that page, you may have to pay for extra fee to get our ExpeFew readersRefund Policy for Human Translate Service Conditions to apply for a refund
With any job, there is always a chance when it will not turn out as expected. In case you are unhappy with and/or concerned about the results of your request, we highly appreciate your assistance in order to identify if there was a miscommunication and explain to our Customer Support (CS) agent how the completed work did not meet your expectations. We assume that you have fully understood what we described about our service in our FAQs.
In the worst situation, if the discussion doesn’t resoFew readersDo I need to provide store permission to start the Human Translate Service?
With this translation service, you don't need to grant us access to your store to translate your website's content.
After you made payment, a new translate ticket will be created and the content of the requested pages will be updated on our system. Our translate Experts will proceed the translation based on the content we get at that time through our system and then provide you the result in Transcy app.
Should you have any further concern, please feel free to contact us via in-app livFew readersWhat are your rates for translation services?
The cost of translation services can vary depending on the language pair you want to translate and the quality level of the translation.
We offer transparent pricing on our Order page so that you can describe your specific needs there.
For further assistance or information, please feel free to contact us via in-app live chat or email support@transcy.ioFew readersHow long does it take to get my translation done?
Typically, our team will provide the first delivery within 5-7 working days (exclude Saturday and Sunday).
However, the delivery time may vary due to the length and complexity of your content. We will estimate you the accurate delivery time after initial analysis on your request.
Should you have any further concern, please feel free to contact us via in-app live chat or email support@transcy.ioFew readersWhat if I don't like the translation?
For every ticket on Human Translate Service, we offer our customers 2 times revising every piece of translation on the "My ticket page".
You can click on the button "Ask for Review" on the right corner and submit your feedback there.
After delivery, theFew readersCan I reuse my translation?
The translation you requested on our Human Translate Service is stored on our dashboard and in your ticket management board.
In case you make changes to the translation of your website and then want to revert to the translation by Transcy Experts, you can easily go to Transcy app OneExperts My tickets there will have a "Reuse" button there to reuse the translation in each element or "Reuse all" to reuse the whole translation of your ticket.
Please refer to the screenshot below foFew readers