Articles on: Localization

How to set or edit the Exchange rate by myself

In the Localization menu --> tap Currency to open its setting => Select the needed currency => Click on 3 dots to edit format => Select exchange rate

We provide 2 options for the exchange rate:

- Auto exchange rate which use Transcy's service from a 3rd-party provider

- Manual exchange rate which you can configure exchange rate by yourself


When you reset to default, it will reset all settings to default setting of Transcy and use Auto exchange rate of Transcy's service.

Auto exchange rate is updated daily according to this system based on GMT+7

Please advise that you can't change exchange rate and auto rounding rule of default currency.

For reference, Transcy use USD as ideal exchange rate unit to compare to target currencies. So you cannot edit the exchange rate of USD manually.


- How to support multi currency checkout in Transcy

Should you need further support, please feel free to contact us via live chat or email us at

Updated on: 14/06/2024

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